Big game hunting
What to hunt for:
Red deer stag
It is well known that the forests of Kaszó are blessed with the best stock of red deer stags in Hungary.
Hunting season
Red deer stag:
1st September – 31st January.
Mature stag:
1st September – 31st October
1st September – 31st January
1st September – last day of February
Fallow deer buck
In Somogy County, the beginning of the rutting season is around 20th September. This period lasts until the end of October, when bucks lose up to 30 percent of their body weight, as they rather care about mating than taking food. The beautiful forests of Somogy offer the finest hunting and waiting for hunters with a splendid population of fallow deer.
Hunting season
Fallow deer buck:
1st October – last day of February
Mature buck:
1st October 1 – 30th November
1st October – 31st January
1st October – last day of February
Wild boar
The forests of Somogy have a very large number of wild boar hunting opportunities. Wild boars can be hunted throughout the year.
Fox, golden jackal
Besides big-game, there are several small-game in our forests, such as foxes and jackals. They are free to shoot.